Age 2.5 years - 4 years (ages are approximate)
Class size 20

Preschool Program

When a child reaches preschool age, he or she begins learning in new ways. A child needs a bigger world with greater intellectual, social and physical challenges. He or she develops greater mastery of language and begins to think symbolically and logically. Preschool is a big year! We’ve designed our program to give children an environment where they can develop their confidence, while learning in their own way.

Language and Literacy Development

  • add to their vocabulary, expanding sentence structure and identifying new ways to communicate
  • develop an understanding of sounds and letters as tools for communication
  • participate in early literacy through documentation, storytelling and strengthening their fine motor muscles

Social and Emotional Development

  • strengthen relationships with their peers and trusted adults
  • seek out other children during playtime, building relationships with them and playing collaboratively
  • learn to resolve disagreements on their own; increased emotional regulation
  • express a variety of emotions by incorporating them into pretend play, art and interactions with others

Physical Development

  • galloping while improving jumping and hopping skills (one-legged hopping is fun!)
  • trace letters and simple shapes while also showing signs of a right- or left-hand preference
  • gain independence with self-care skills such as undressing to use the toilet and remembering to wash hands; completion of toilet training
  • identify healthy and unhealthy foods, strengthen positive relationships with food as fuel for a healthy body

Cognitive Development

  • connect number words and numerals to the quantities they represent, count out numbers of items
  • sort objects by color, shape or likeness
  • engage in pretend play alone or with others by taking on roles and using props
  • participate in scientific experiments, mastery of cause and effect